Service User Involvement Team (SUIT), to contribute to Wolverhampton Literature Festival
30th November 2022
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SUIT has become a platform service for some of the most vulnerable people in Wolverhampton, and is based on the needs, wants and requirements of service users. Working alongside people in recovery for challenges associated with substance use, SUIT was initially set up to provide a voice for those experiencing stigma and complex vulnerabilities.

SUIT is a multi-award-winning service, working alongside Wolverhampton’s Voluntary and Community Action centre. Volunteers and staff have a strong presence within the local community, facilitate training sessions to organisations in the region, attend local and national events within areas of addiction, harm reduction, and drug policy issues, and have a structured volunteer programme that is embedded in clinical services. The service lobbies to reduce discrimination and tackle stigma and is active within campaigning. 


In February, SUIT will be contributing to Wolverhampton’s Literature Festival at the Mander Centre Community Hub, with an installation of work titled “Voices of Recovery”. Service Users and volunteers will be producing artwork to be displayed in the space, alongside creative writing and spoken word. Work will be produced by members of the Creative Arts Group delivered by SUIT and is part of a sustainable creative arts project guided by volunteer Christiane, who is developing co-produced creative arts-based mutual aid workshops as part of her upcoming PhD at the University of Wolverhampton’s Institute of Community Research and Development. 


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