Students Ponder Next Steps As They Recieve A-Level Results
14th August 2020
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Students across Wolverhampton are receiving A-level and other results today (Thursday 13 August, 2020), with their final grading determined on a range of factors. 

Final exams and assessments were cancelled this year because of the coronavirus pandemic. Instead, schools and colleges were asked

to send exam boards details of the grades they believe students were most likely to get if teaching, learning and exams had happened as planned and, within each subject, the order of students by performance for each grade.

The exam boards have standardised this information – making

adjustments to
 grades where needed to bring consistency to teacher judgements across all schools and colleges and to ensure the results are comparable with previous years. 

The Government has also announced a ‘triple-lock’ process designed to give young people added security

as they receive their grades this year. The Department for Education has said that students can accept their calculated grade, but if that grade is lower than the 
result they

achieved in their mock exam they can appeal for this to become their final recognised grade. 
Alternatively they can sit exams in the autumn. 

The Government has said that more information about how the appeals process will work be released next week.  

The calculated results have been released today.

People can contact the Ofqual student support phoneline on 0300 303 3344 to find out more about how the results were graded, how to make an appeal or how to raise a concern about bias or discrimination. 

The Government’s Exam Results Helpline on 0800 100 900 or at also provides information

on appeals, complaints or what your next steps may be once you’ve received your results.

Councillor Dr Michael Hardacre, the City of Wolverhampton Council’s Cabinet Member for Education and Skills, said: “I'd like to wish

everyone collecting A-level and other results today the very best of luck; I hope you all achieve the outcomes you were hoping for and are looking forward to the next stage of their learning journey, whether that is going to university or entering the world of work and training.

"In judging final grades, schools and colleges will have looked at students’ classwork and homework, their results in assignments

and any mock exams, any non-exam assessment or coursework they might have done, and their general progress during the course. Anyone who is unhappy with the results which are allocated will be able to lodge an appeal.”

There are lots of options available for young people – whether their exam results are as they expected, are better or are not quite

as good as they hoped they would be. These include going on to university – with places available through the Clearing process for students who either haven't got the required grades or who have changed their mind about the course they want to join – along

with entering the world of work or becoming an apprentice.

Connexions is providing help and support for people who have received their results and are unsure what to do next - please call 01902

554499, email or

search for Connexions Wolverhampton on Facebook.

Apprenticeships are real opportunities for people of all ages who are motivated to work, enthusiastic to learn, and want to earn a

competitive salary while gaining a nationally recognised qualification. Leading industries and businesses are looking for the next set of dynamic apprentices to shape the future of organisations in Wolverhampton. More information about apprenticeships is available

from Wolves Workbox, or

the national apprenticeships website 

Black Country Impact provides one-to-one customised support and training for young people in Wolverhampton who are aged 16-plus and

not in employment, education or training. It helps them overcome the barriers that may be stopping them from finding and securing training, education or a job. For more details, please visit 

About the Author

Ian Henery

Member since: 4th February 2019

Presenter Black Country Radio & Black Country Xtra

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