Tens of Thousands More Deaths due to Abortion than Covid19
21st October 2020
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Tens of Thousands More Deaths due to Abortion than Covid19

The Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC) has started a campaign to expose the human cost of DIY chemical abortions.

On 30 March 2020, the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care approved two temporary measures to allow women to self-administer medical (chemical) abortions at home, without meeting with a medical professional in person.

According to the Department for Health, a total of 109,836 abortions were done from January to June, with April the first month of the lockdown, recording 4,500 more abortions compared to April 2019. Over 23,000 DIY abortions (both pills taken at home) were done during the first three months of the lockdown. The percentage of abortions that were done with both pills taken at home jumped from 33% in April to 51% in June.

DIY abortions put women at greater risk of physical and psychological dangers as well as facilitating coercion from abusive men. Abortion drugs could be obtained under false pretences. DIY abortions will lead to greater loss of unborn human life.

In the latest push to make home abortions permanent, the British Medical Association (BMA) has voted through a motion in support of continuing remote prescription of early abortion pills after the pandemic. “It is shocking but not surprising that the BMA should support this dangerous home abortion policy. The UK’s major health bodies have, in recent years, succumbed to a radical abortion ideology, at the expense of women’s health”, said SPUC’s Campaigns and Parliamentary Assistant, Alithea Williams.

 “System rife with problems”

Yorkshire clinical genetics trainee Melody Redman disagreed, arguing: “Remote services mean a removal of current safeguards.”

She said: “Face-to-face consultations allow appropriate clinical assessment and risk management. Remote services mean no ultrasound scanning, so no checking for ectopics, no qualification of gestation beyond a woman’s last menstrual period.”

Dr Redman cited cases in which women have been sent the pills by post after the 10-week cut-off period.

"The system is rife with problems", she added. "The risks to women are very real."

The pills by post programme means that women do not receive advice or guidance from a GP. Instead, women can telephone or video-call an abortion provider through a system known as "telemedical" abortion. Lethal abortion drugs are sent through the post to enable women to perform their own abortion at home. Recent statistics from the Department of Health reveal that between April and June 2020 there were 23,061 medical abortions where both abortion drugs were administered at home, representing 43% of abortions during this time.

Heartbreaking accounts

Alithea Williams continued: “Even during the short time the home abortion regime has been in place, there have been heartbreaking accounts of women going through this traumatic experience alone, as well as blatant breaches of the law, with women well over the legal gestation being sent pills through the post. This policy is impossible to regulate, dangerous for women, and is leading to greater loss of human life. It has no place in healthcare.”

SPUC is urging the public to email their MP  with a request to contact the Department of Health and Social Care to demand an immediate inspection of all abortion providers sending pills through the post.

Key questions the Secretary of State for Health must answer:

1. How will abortion providers or registered medical practitioners operating remotely be certain that a pregnancy is under nine weeks and six days?

2. How will abortion providers ensure that women fully understand the correct procedure for the abortion and the risks they run if they do not follow the precise instructions?

3. How will abortion providers ensure that women properly recognise when complications occur and that women have the means to access medical treatment?

4. How will remote abortion assessment ensure that a woman is not being coerced into having the abortion?

5. How will abortion providers ensure that the abortion drugs are taken by the intended recipient?

6. How will serious medical issues such as ectopic pregnancy be identified via an electronic consultation?

7. How can the Department for Health and Social Care justify exposing women to increased physical and mental health dangers from the remote abortion scheme?

8. How can the Department of Health and Social Care justify exposing women to the threat of death from abortion pills?

9. How can the Department of Health and Social Care justify a DIY abortion regime which trivialises the very serious matter of killing an unborn baby?

Anyone in the West Midlands interested in joining SPUC should email Irene@ianhenery.com.

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