The ASYSTED Business programme, which has helped over 170 individuals, start and grow their own business since Sept 2016. This has generated over 200 jobs.
29th January 2021
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Chief Executive Richard Nuttall, one day walked into an office, and with only a chair and desk, started the Shropshire Youth Support Trust and grew it to the heights that it is today. Accolades to his credit:

  • The ASYSTED Business programme, which has helped over 170 individuals, start and grow their own business since Sept 2016. This has generated over 200 jobs. 


  • Created the ASYSTORS Mentoring and Money Programme, which has recruited 20 high profile Shropshire businesses who support the charity by providing funds, time and people. ASYSTED business present to a panel and request mentor support and funds. 40 businesses presented and supported by the panel. £52k funds raised. £20.5k funds awarded.


  • Created 2 programmes for learners/beneficiaries pre-16 and post 16 plus) based around starting and running a business which enables the learners to gain confidence and employability skills.


The Shropshire Youth Support Trust (SYST) is a charity that specialises in Social Inclusion, by maximising Employability and Self-Employment, with an expertise in supporting people with multiple and complex needs. Our Mission is to empower people to achieve their dreams, lead fulfilling lives and kick start their journey towards personal and financial independence. We support and encourage people to make life-changing choices enabling them to secure sustainable employment or self-employment.


Amongst many of these accomplishments are the partnerships that have been built up with SYST over the last five years. The Shropshire Youth Support Trust has been fortunate to work with the likes of Job Centres, UnLtd, Marches Care Ltd, Morris & Company Ltd, The National Lottery Community Fund and many others. 


SYST has a proven track record of successfully delivering a range of support services to meet a social need within our community - holistically designed to help economically inactive and excluded people. We provide Employability & Enterprise provision including; Coaching, mentoring, a space for people to work in, funding, incubation units and much more.


Long-term, the charity will support regeneration in the area by developing local enterprise and creating employment opportunities in the surrounding community. 


We are currently in a pandemic that has increased numbers in unemployment within the Shropshire area. Figures from March 2020 indicate a 155% in benefit claims from young people alone. With the job market crashing, the furlough scheme extended to April 2021 and increasing numbers of unemployed people looking for work, our services are more instrumental than ever before. 


We offer our Covid-19 Support programme, which offers workshops, bootcamps and clinics focused on helping people set up their own enterprise or gain employability skills to help them stand out in the current climate. These workshops are delivered by industry experienced, mentors to ensure that you are equipped with the necessary skills and resilience needed to secure that desired job or to start your own business. 


If you are (or know of) someone who could benefit from our support then please get in touch so that we can arrange a consultation. Please see our list of testimonials on our website and social media for individuals that we have helped over the last five years or read this small selection here.  


For much more information on SYST please visit our website HERE

You can support our work via donations, time or expertise...

To contribute your donations you can do so at JustGiving HERE or if you shop with Amazon, you can do so via Amazon Smile HERE just select Shropshire Youth Support Trust as your donation

If you shop with Amazon you can also select SYST as your preferred charity for donations.


“I attended the marketing strategy workshop online.  There were only a few of us on the workshop so we were able to discuss our own businesses in detail and get pointed in the right direction.  The tutor was really encouraging and helpful”

Denise - Swim With Style

“SYST has helped us realise our zero waste package free shop. They have put is in touch with Buy from Shropshire, who in turn helped us secure and start up in our first position in the centre of Shrewsbury, at the Darwin Shopping Centre. This has allowed us to minimize our initial costings, saving on solicitor costs and also benefitting off a lower initial rent, allowing us to re-invest our earnings back into the shop and building something quite special. Also through SYST we have had help from a qualified solicitor, and advice and support from passionate and local experts/businesses.”

Lillie & Sam - GREEN OPTIONS

“I found SYST when I was just struggling to keep on the right path with starting up and the team have helped me to focus hugely. With their help on the business plan template he has secured an investor to provide required start-up capital. The space SYST can offer it’s businesses have provided us with an affordable HQ and the contacts that the team has have provided us with links into business opportunities. I could not have done it without them! I look forward to working with them continuing into the future!”



Shropshire Youth Support Trust

“Turning Your Dreams into Reality”


For much more information on SYST please visit our website HERE

You can support our work via donations, time or expertise...

To contribute your donations you can do so at JustGiving HERE or if you shop with Amazon, you can do so via Amazon Smile HERE just select Shropshire Youth Support Trust as your donation

If you shop with Amazon you can also select SYST as your preferred charity for donations.



About the Author

Ian Henery

Member since: 4th February 2019

Presenter Black Country Radio & Black Country Xtra

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