the Funny Things comedy festival takes place in Wolverhampton
22nd October 2019
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At the end of this month, the Funny Things comedy festival takes place in Wolverhampton with a wide range of acts and shows showcasing all that’s good in the region. As part of it, arts collective Poets, Prattlers, and Pandemonialists will be offering two very different shows, each priced at just £5.00 a ticket.


On Saturday 26th, there’s a one-off performance of Finding Our Funny Roots. Where is the Black Country? Is our humour unique? What part does our dialect play? Why is Tommy Mundon a comedy legend in the Black Country and unknown elsewhere? And will Emma Purshouse ever ask members of the public the right question? 
Come along to the show for answers to all these questions and more, and a bellyful of laughs. It’s from 5-6pm at the Arena Theatre, and tickets are on sale here: This show will be BSL-interpreted and audio-described, too.
Next day (no rest for the wicked) we’re bringing our acclaimed Edinburgh Fringe show to the Lighthouse as part of the festival. It’s from 3.30-4.30pm, tickets for that are available by ringing the Lighthouse box office on 01902 716055 or emailing them at

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