TWIRL (The Wolverhampton Integrated Respiratory Lifestyle) Group
1st April 2019
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TWIRL (The Wolverhampton Integrated Respiratory Lifestyle) Group was initially launched in July 2016.

TWIRL was initially formed thanks to the joint efforts of the Wolverhampton Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), The Royal Wolverhampon NHS Trust, Compton Care, Wolves Community Trust, Age UK Wolverhampton and West Midlands Fire Service.

With funding support from the Health Foundation (a charity organization working towards improving quality of health care in the UK) and matching funding from the CCG, the CCG and partners developed an informal community-based breathing group for COPD patients.

This project follows on from the successful RIPPLE project, based in Coventry, that provides a similar community-based breathing group. After the first year of the RIPPLE project, they demonstrated an improvement in the wellbeing of patients with COPD who attended, and a reduction in their social isolation.

TWIRL’s original funding expired in December 2017 and the group was re-launched in February 2018 and is now self-funded.

It is managed by volunteers Denise Pritchard (Chair/Trustee), Eileen Parkes (Secretary/Trustee) and Sharon Nisbet (Treasurer/Trustee). There are four other current group members on the Management Committee. The Group has recently been awarded Charitable Status by the Charity Commission and a Senior Respiratory Consultant at New Cross Hospital is a Charity Trustee.

TWIRL Group originally met each Wednesday at The North Bank Room, Molineux Football Club, from 12.00 noon until 3.30pm. Following the Group’s re-launch in February 2018 the meeting venue was relocated to GoodYears’ Pavilion Club, Stafford Road, Wolverhampton, W10 6AJ, at the same timings.

All of TWIRL’s members have respiratory conditions such as COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease), Bronchiectasis, Pulmonary Fibrosis, Emphysema and Chronic Asthma. Carers are also very welcome to attend. Attendees must be over 18 years of age, however.

TWIRL is a self-funded charity and our income is partly generated by a £3 subscription payable each week by all members. We also hold a weekly raffle and, in addition, occasional special raffles are held for exclusive prizes donated from outside supporters. These raffles are opened up to The Pavilion Members generally to raise extra funding.

Our members make a tremendous contribution towards the longevity of TWIRL and, each week, donate items for our bring-and-buy table. Other members purchase some of the donated items, which generates an additional small income to our funding. Asda, Wolverhampton, has been, and continues to be, an esteemed supporter of our group. The Asda Management and their Community Champion have allowed us to fundraise in their foyer and TWIRL has been included in one of their quarterly green counter competitions.

Unfortunately, we did not win the competition outright, but shared the runner’s up prize with another charity. We are enormously grateful to Asda for their continued support.

In addition, TWIRL participates in local community Village Hall table-top sales, where our members and their friends donate their unwanted items for re-sale. We also receive occasional funding support from general local businesses. Anyone suffering from any pulmonary condition will be most welcome at TWIRL meetings.

We all suffer with the same conditions and it is very comforting to speak with one another to exchange ideas and tips on how to best deal with our breathing issues. Making new friends also reduces social isolation, as some of our members live alone and only leave their homes once per week to attend our group meetings. There is no need to make enquiries, just come along every Wednesday and join us.

However, if further information is required, please contact either Denise Pritchard (Chair) on 07887 705131, or Eileen Parkes (Secretary) at 01902 751188.

Each week we prepare a quiz, together with offering two games of bingo and a raffle.

There is also a yoga lady who visits us to offer 20 minute gentle exercise classes to those who are able to take part. We also offer Wordsearches, cards, dominoes, Sudoku and other games, as required.

An excellent hot and cold buffet lunch is provided by The Pavilion catering staff, which is
accompanied by tea, coffee and water. As outlined earlier, we are massively supported by The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust and the CCG.

New Cross Hospital release a senior respiratory nurse to attend one of our meetings per month. She speaks with members on a personal, one-to-one basis, to discuss any medical concerns, and she offers valuable advice on any specific issues of concern.

We receive occasional visits from the Specialist Respiratory Oxygen Lead from New Cross Hospital to advise members on how best to manage their oxygen needs.

We also have access to NHS Community Matrons, who enroll members on their lists and visit them to provide medical assessments in their homes if they become ill. This service will, hopefully, alleviate possible hospital visits and admissions or, at the very least, reduce them.

The Management Committee arrange visits from local organizations and groups to offer
presentations on a regular basis to keep members educated and informed in any subjects we feel would benefit their mindfulness and wellbeing. During the last twelve months we have received visits from (and this is not an exhaustive list):

1. A senior consultant from New Cross Hospital who presented advice on living with pulmonary conditions;
2. The Physio Team from New Cross Hospital who gave a presentation on Pulmonary
3. The Wolverhampton Fire Service who advised on fire safety in the home. They very
generously arranged for home visits to provide a fire safety assessment to all interested
members, and also fitted new smoke alarms where needed, free of charge;
4. West Midlands Police who advised on home security and stranger danger;
5. Compton Care who provided an overview of the day-care and palliative services offered by their group;
6. Zebra-Access, Wolverhampton, who gave a presentation on hearing impairment;
7. Age UK, who spoke about lung conditions; and
8. Trading Standards, who made members aware of the latest scams and their consumer

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