Vita Liberata Spray Tan at Urban Hair & Beauty in Codsall, Wolverhampton
14th May 2012
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Vita Liberata Spray Tan at Urban Hair, Codsall Wolverhampton.

The hottest new spray tan has arrived at Urban Hair and Beauty, just in time for summer.

Bringing the latest in tanning technology to your local salon, Vita Liberata combines odourless, 80% organic and paraben-free ingredients to create the ultimate experience for those who love beautifully bronzed skin.

Drying almost instantly on contact with the body and boasting an innovative ‘moisture-lock complex’ - that keeps skin hydrated - the Vita Liberata spray tan delivers beautiful, even and flawless colour without the smell, streaks and sticky sensation associated with so many other fake tans.

Once applied, the spray tan leaves only a healthy bronzed glow and no “fake tan” smell. Unlike other brands, Vita Liberata has removed the unpleasant smell and annoying ‘orangey phase’ that follows a spray tan, allowing you to get straight back to your normal routine. With application time taking only 15 minutes, it’s perfect for those who want to ‘spray and go’. And what’s more, an even and natural fade is guaranteed, which is reassuring to know, as many of us have had to deal with the embarrassing and tell-tale ‘snakeskin fade’ that follows ordinary fake tans.

Read more about Urban Hair & Beauty in Wolverhampton - click here

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