Bones - A lil something different - Wolverhampton Literature Festival Slade Rooms 31st January
14th January 2020
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I have to start off by asking

“Why is it so easy to care only for oneself and to do wrong, but when you want to do good, why are there soooooooooooooooooo many obstacles and hurdles placed in ones path”??

Please bare with me while I explain my reasoning……..

I was the youngest of 4, 2 older brothers and 1 sister, born in 1970 to Jamaican parents; this was a time where Nubian people were treated harshly in this country. I hit the streets early hanging about with youths that were older.

Money was extremely tight, so from the age of 9, I started hustling to take some of the strain off my parents, the majority of people I knew were in the same predicament, meaning I grew up mostly amongst thieves, criminals and pimps.

I messed about at school and was deemed a troublemaker, upon leaving school with not much opportunities available, I got by on my wits and became a dad at the tender age of 17, the mom was 23, I wasn’t really a father figure as I was too young and only wanted to be in the streets with my restless energy while chasing girls and prosperity.

By 1997, aged 27, I was completely disillusioned with this life, as I deemed it was a road to nowhere. I decided I wanted to try for horizons new and went to University and studied Computer Science.

The University was not used to someone like me entering their esteemed halls, what with coming straight from street, the lecturers did not believe I belonged, so I had 4 years of fighting ahead of me. Unbeknownst to them they aided me in getting my Degree as coming from a street background I would not let anybody stop me from getting what I wanted and would usually step up to any challenge, they challenged me so I stepped up!

Upon graduating I entered a new era of my life starting off as ICT teacher in a EBD school, (Emotional  and Behaviour Difficulties) rising to the equivalent of a Headmaster, consoling, teaching and mentoring the young people under my care. This was a job that I enjoyed as I was making a positive difference in a young persons life, but once again my face did not fit, so the struggle continued……….

I left, or should I say, got pushed out of this position, becoming dispirited I started sliding back to the only life that I knew, thankfully I stopped myself before the drop by undertaking an empowerment program, which made me go in search of myself, in essence I stopped tuning out and started tuning in, which funnily enough helped me find my link with the Higher Power, or as I like to refer to them, ‘HP’ as it is the source of everything, so I entered into spirituality.

At this time my sister, who was my rock came down with a mystery illness, it was later discover to be leukaemia, she had treatment which I ‘believed’ cured the problem.

After feeling enlivened after completing the empowerment program I started working as a computer trainer in a Microsoft computer training organisation teaching employees the best way how to use the Microsoft products.

After leaving, as once again, I did not fit in, I was contracted for a year to work as a Data analyst for a housing association, while working in my previous position, I started writing an Empowerment program to help out others that came from the same background as myself.

The housing organisation wanted to take me on full time but I had been touting my program, and acquired some funding to run the pilot, so I decided to move onto pastures new as I was determined not to lose my identity.

I piloted the program in 2007, proving that I had something that actually worked with the hard to reach kids. At this time I, naively, believed that the organisations and churches would welcome me with open arms as I had arrived with a solution to a problem, but to my eyes I was routinely blocked and ignored. Over 10 years later and still nothing has changed.

During this time I got more into spirituality, cutting out things that was not aiding me in my journey. Until one day, while ironing a pair of jeans, these lyrics just popped into my head.

“Higher Power blessed me, you getz me, people outta road cyaah test me…..”

As it sounded catchy I typed it into my phone, 3 hours later, ‘Prequal’ was born.

In this period of my life the lyrics just started coming constantly without pause.

I hit the stage as the topics covered was for the benefit of the public, what I saw concerning, how we’re ‘living’ made me extremely angry, but I wanted to use my anger in a positive form, yin and yang, I strived for balance!! Which lead me onto becoming a Motivational speaker going into schools and other such organisations.

I donned the hood and set to the stage, as I didn’t want to be a celebrity, nor be celebrated I just wanted people to listen to my words and not focus on me, enabling us to do something about this mess that we find ourselves barely existing in. From this I entered into the studio to put music behind my lyrics, , they can be found on iTunes, Spotify and………..

This lead me onto doing shows for the Wolverhampton Literature Festival, I put on shows helping other artists to showcase their talents, so they do not have to fight as hard as I did.

For shows I can be booked at


My journey has been a arduous one, from as far back as I can remember I’ve always had to fight, be it a system, that didn’t really want you there, schooling, university, to churches, organisations, so I ask myself, whom better to write the ‘Warriors Bible’!!


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