Wolverhampton - Brain Tumour Support
20th May 2019
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Brain Tumour Support is dedicated to providing support for patients, families and carers so that no-one feels alone facing the effects of a brain tumour diagnosis. The charity provides individualised and specialist information, guidance and emotional support, at any point from diagnosis and for as long as it is needed. Brain Tumour Support runs more than 23 support groups across the country, including one in Wolverhampton, and also provides tailored one-to-one support when needed.   Every year more than 16,000 people in the UK are diagnosed with a brain tumour. Whilst a significant number of brain tumours can now be treated and successfully controlled, even non-malignant and low grade tumours can have life-changing effects and many people are unable to live the lives they had before.  The physical, practical and psychological effects, for both patients and those closest to them, are generally hidden and underestimated.   There is lots of information on our website, so please do have a look there and take what you need. It would be great if you could link to the Wolverhampton Support Group info and include it in any events calendars that you may have on your site.
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