Wolverhampton Bakery Supplying Fresh Bread for City’s Vulnerable
1st May 2020
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A Wolverhampton bakery has ramped up production to supply fresh bread to vulnerable residents during the cornavirus emergency.    Matt the Bakers usually produces 1,500 loaves a week to sell from its stalls at Wolverhampton and Bilston markets, but this has increased to 4,000 to supply the council’s emergency food distribution hub.   City of Wolverhampton Council is delivering emergency food parcels to people considered to be at high risk from coronavirus who are isolated at home with nobody else to help them.   Councillor Steve Evans, cabinet member for City Environment, said: “Our food parcels contain staple foods and bread is an essential, we are really pleased that in Matt the Bakers we have a local Wolverhampton supplier who we know to be reliable and good quality.   “It is good to be supporting a local business which normally operates from our markets, but obviously we have had to close them currently due to the coronavirus lockdown.     “The people receiving their parcels are getting fresh, handmade bread which is absolutely fantastic. We are extremely proud of our food hub which we set up in just a few days, demand is growing and we are now delivering just under 2,000 parcels each week.   “It is thanks to the hard work of hundreds of council staff who have been redeployed to run the facility, but also partners like Matt the Bakers, Marstons, Wolves, West Midlands Police and others who have come together as one city at this time of crisis.”   James Price, from Matt the Bakers, said: “We are supplying fresh, handmade bread and it is good to know that we are helping out at this time of need.  

“We normally make around 1,500 loaves a week, but we are now up to about 4,000 with possibly more to come. It involves a lot of late nights and early mornings and not much sleep, but I’m sure a few energy drinks will get us through it.”  

About the Author

Ian Henery

Member since: 4th February 2019

Presenter Black Country Radio & Black Country Xtra

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