Wolverhampton Community Poem for National Poetry Day
4th October 2019
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National Poetry Day has engaged millions of people with poetry and live events and web-based activity since it was established in 1994.  It is supported by the BBC, Arts Council England, the Royal Mail, literary and cultural organisations, schools, libraries, publishers and book shops.   This year`s National Poetry Day is on 3rd October.  The theme for National Poetry Day 2019 is Truth. 

"The theme each year is supposed to be inspirational rather than prescriptive" explained local poet Ian Henery.  "It could be something that matters to you, the delivery of a home truth or even a Big Lie."  Ian has been based at Wolverhampton`s drug and alcohol treatment provider Recovery Near You running poetry workshops  at the Thornhurst Building in Connaught Road.  Recovery Near You provides a range of multi-agency support services with a welcoming "home away from home" for vulnerable families.  The poetry workshops were every week and provided free of charge for Wolverhampton people wanting to break free from their addictions.  

"Each person taking part was asked to give me 4 lines on the subject of recovery from their addiction" explained Ian.  "It didn`t matter if it was in verse or not - all that mattered was that it was truthful and expressed their feelings."    

The individual 4 lines were then incorporated into a community poem on the subject of recovery.  "This was their truth" said Ian "and their reality.  I was just acting as a conduit of empowerment.  It`s easy to put your words into another person`s mouth but this was their words, their truth and honesty.  I was greatly impressed and it`s a powerful piece of work.  My sincerest thanks to everyone at Recovery Near You and all those taking part in the poetry workshops".  


 Voices of Recovery (Community Poem)
 My voice is important and loud.
I listen to my lessons in survival
Always learning - my choices, ruled by care.
Recovery is brave and addiction is beaten.  
Listen to voices of recovery!
They`ve come from pain to a place of healing.
Each word is authentic, full of feeling,
Redefinement through recovery.  
I haven`t fallen for 4 weeks.
I know I can do this -
I made a promise,
I have overcome this.  
The Devil is everywhere and all I see are people like me;
Most people don`t win, just like me, they think I don`t see
I have overcome my dependency now look at me!
I no longer have a shadow following me.    
Listen to voices of recovery! T
hey`ve come from pain to a place of healing.
Each word is authentic, full of feeling,
Redefinement through recovery.  
I want to give something back
Because it will help me
And others affected like me
To get back on the right track.  
I`ve had my Enemy Vermin
Inked onto my skin
To keep it
I`ve worked on quitting
I`ve lost a month;
I went to my addiction meeting and found out
I`ve done 9 weeks without gambling.  Winner!
Listen to voices of recovery!
They`ve come from pain to a place of healing.
Each word is authentic, full of feeling,
Redefinement through recovery.    
My feet are raw, aching
From walking away the cold
But I felt some hope
Although I felt old.    
Dark rain cascaded onto my life
And drowned me, grounded me
But I, as an acorn that falls from the tree,
Landed safely onto earth and blossomed.  
 Listen to voices of recovery!
They`ve come from pain to a place of healing.
Each word is authentic, full of feeling,
Redefinement through recovery.        




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