Wolverhampton Local Plan consultation launched
26th February 2024
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Every local authority must prepare a local plan to cover regeneration,
investment and planning application decisions for at least 15 years.
It also identifies environmental areas to protect and enhance, sites to allocate
for housing development and employment use, key transport schemes and
policies to guide design and secure infrastructure.

The consultation on the ‘Issues and Preferred Options’ for the plan will run
until 5pm on Wednesday, April 10, 2024.

Full details on how people can have their say can be viewed at


People are encouraged to completethe online survey at


Paper copies of the main documents can be viewed at the Civic Centre and all city libraries, where a summary leaflet and response form will also be available.

Council Leader, Councillor Stephen Simkins, has reiterated the
Wolverhampton Local Plan will not include green belt sites, a stance that has
been reinforced by the Government’s recent change to the National Planning
Policy Framework (NPPF), which removes the need to review green belt land
for development.
He said: “It is critical to have a Local Plan in place to provide certainty for our
communities and support regeneration and investment in our city.
“We have always promoted a brownfield first approach and never had any
intention to include green belt land in our Local Plan, so we are pleased that
the Government has confirmed in the revised NPPF that green belt land does
not need to be considered for development in local plans.

“We are now progressing with the next steps of the Wolverhampton Local
Plan - and we intend to bring forward a plan which contains no green belt
sites at all.

“The Wolverhampton Local Plan will help facilitate a vibrant mixed use city
centre and enable new housing and employment opportunities on brownfield
sites across the city, supporting local centres and strengthening the local
“The consultation window is now open and I would urge people to have their

You can view the consultation documents and speak to planning officers at
the following drop-in sessions:
Wednesday 6 March, 9am – 5pm
Wolverhampton Civic Centre, St Peter’s Square, Wolverhampton, WV1 1SH
Thursday 7 March, 3pm – 7pm and Saturday 9 March, 10am – 2pm
Wolverhampton Central Library, Snow Hill, Wolverhampton, WV1 3AX
Tuesday 12 March, 10am - 1pm
Wednesfield Library, 2 Well Lane, Wednesfield, WV11 1XT
Wednesday 13 March, 4pm - 7pm
Bilston Library, Mount Pleasant, Bilston, WV14 7LU
Thursday 14 March, 2pm – 5pm
Tettenhall Library, St Michael's Parish Centre, Upper Street, Tettenhall, WV6 8QF

The Wolverhampton Local Plan will build on initial work related to the city that
was undertaken during the Black Country Plan process before it was halted in
autumn 2022.
Consultation responses will be used to inform the preparation of the next
stage of the plan - the ‘Publication Wolverhampton Local Plan’ - in advance of
an independent examination by a planning inspector.

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