Wolverhampton Poet in Residence To Appear At Green Arts Festival
15th January 2023
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The Poet in Residence of Wolverhampton`s radio station, WCR FM, is to appear at the Stafford Green Arts Festival on Saturday 18th February.     Ian Henery, who will be hosting 3 days of spoken word from the Mander Centre Community Hub during the Wolverhampton Literature Festival between 3rd - 5th February, is one of the headline poets.

    "We have some fantastic music and poetry performances" said Ian Henery "at the grand opening from 10am - 4pm on Saturday 18th February.  It`s completely free.  Please come along and check out the brilliant positive messages about looking after our planet within the artwork from schools and local artists.  This event is a positive environmental art exhibition with art, poetry and photography competitions on display at St Chad`s Church Stafford from 10am till 4pm Saturday 18th February - 25th February".    

The Green Arts Festival is sponsored by Sustainability Matters, Stafford Borough Council, Stafford Libraries and St Chads Church, Parish Church of Stafford.       The Festival also includes submissions on an environmental theme for the book "Environmental Engagement" to be published by Dream Well Writing Ltd who are  part of the Wolverhampton Literature Festival.  Entries will be judged by former Staffordshire Poet Laureate Mel Wardle-Woodend.  Mel will  also be performing  during the Wolverhampton Literature Festival in the Mander Centre Community Hub on 5th February.  

  For more information: noplanetbstafford.blogspot.com Or www.facebook.com/noplanetb

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