Wolves in Business portal launched for critical support
14th May 2020
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City of Wolverhampton Council has today (Wednesday) launched a new business portal to further support city businesses through the coronavirus pandemic and beyond.


‘Wolves in Business’ (www.wolverhampton.gov.uk/wolvesinbusiness) will provide critical information and advice for all city businesses through a series of webinars, surgeries, workbooks, briefings and signposting.


The initial focus is on helping businesses build resilience to the current difficulties. This will be followed by restart planning as the Government gradually reduces restrictions over the coming months - and ultimately support to deliver future growth.


This is a citywide response and the council’s business development team, working with key partners, will provide support in the areas of marketing, finance, workforce development, innovation and leadership.


The team will also be conducting surveys with businesses to help better understand the challenges they are facing and identify how support can he enhanced during and after the crisis. This will also help identify gaps in the Government’s support measures, so the council can lobby with business groups on their behalf. To participate in the latest survey, visit https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/6MWNYPT  


The Wolves in Business portal also provides access to detailed information on employment and workforce development and business rates and relief.


Councillor Harman Banger, Cabinet Member for City Economy, said: “This is a time of great anxiety for workers and businesses and we, as a council, are doing all in our power to help people through this.


“That is why we have launched Wolves in Business, a local economy support package.


“We are distributing millions of pounds of grant payments and are developing new measures in partnership with business groups across the city.


“We’re determined to keep Wolverhampton’s business community vibrant and resilient by supporting our local businesses, their employees and those who are self-employed.


“Wolves in Business is designed to offer advice and guidance to ensure we are relevant during these uncertain times - and as we move forward.”


There will be two themed webinars available via the Wolves in Business portal every week with the first two scheduled for Tuesday, May 26 (Project Bounce Back) and Wednesday, May 27 (Financing the New Dawn).


Anyone with any business support queries should call the Business Support Line (01902 290242) between 9am and 5pm from Monday to Thursday or from 9am to 4.30pm on Fridays, or email business.development@wolverhampton.gov.uk.


About the Author

Ian Henery

Member since: 4th February 2019

Presenter Black Country Radio & Black Country Xtra

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