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Local News and Updates
Justice for city homeowner after rogue trader sentenced to 12 months in prison
  • 26th February 2024
A rogue trader whose incomplete and incompetent work left a city homeowner £5,000 out of pocket has been jailed for 12 months following a prosecution by City of Wolverhampton Council. Read more
Wolverhampton Local Plan consultation launched
  • 26th February 2024
Consultation on a new Wolverhampton Local Plan to guide future development in the city up to 2042 has today (Monday) been launched. Read more
Help to get connected for less in the cost of living crisis
  • 22nd February 2024
Residents facing difficulties affording broadband and mobile phone bills in the cost of living crisis are being urged to make the most of social tariffs and get connected for less. Read more
Wolverhampton factory doubles in size thanks to WMCA investment
  • 22nd February 2024
A family-run Black Country manufacturer has moved and doubled the size of its factory, following a £7.59 million investment from the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA), Read more
£27m funding secured for region to provide bootcamps to help people to upskill and land a job
  • 21st February 2024
At least 6,000 more people are to get the chance to learn the skills they need to land a quality job following the announcement today of around £27m for the region’s innovative bootcamp training programme. Read more
More fly tippers caught and fined under ongoing council crackdown
  • 20th February 2024
‘Thoughtless’ fly tippers who dumped rubbish including a mattress, bagged waste and sofas have been caught and fined by City of Wolverhampton Council. Read more
Wolverhampton residents claiming benefits need to get ready to move to Universal Credit
  • 20th February 2024
A national programme by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) to move claimants to Universal Credit comes to Wolverhampton from this week. Read more
Yo! Wolves supports Curiosity Productions during February half term
  • 19th February 2024
Children and young people enjoyed a wide range of free activities at the Curiosity Club throughout the February half-term thanks to the Yo!... Read more
Support available to help household finances
  • 19th February 2024
The first few months of the year are never an easy time for finances, especially with the on-going cost of living crisis; if you’re struggling with bills, it might be time to do a health check of your finances. Read more
Digital upgrade of telephone landlines drop-in sessions
  • 16th February 2024
Most telephone providers are moving customers to upgraded services using digital technology between now and 2025 and people are able to find out more about the switchover from analogue phone landlines to digital at drop-in sessions in Wolverhampton. Read more
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