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Get Creative in Worcester this Care Home Open Day
Get Creative in Worcester this Care Home Open Day
A care home in Worcester is inviting local people to join in its celebrations for Care Home Open Day.
Worcester care home nominated for two national awards
Worcester care home nominated for two national awards
A care home in Worcester is celebrating after being nominated for two national care awards. Care UK’s Perry Manor, on Charles Hastings Way, has made it to the final stage in the category for ‘Best Individual...
Spotlight Events
The Spooky Men's Chorale
The Spooky Men's Chorale
As thunderous as a herd of wildebeest, as sly as a wagonload of Spike Milligans and as sonorous as a...
This is Not Medea
This is Not Medea
What happens when a walking Greek tradegy comes to Brexit Britain? This is Not Medea is a triggering...