Fibromyalgia Syndrome Support Group
  • Greystoke Road Ferring
    West Sussex BN12 5JL
    BN12 5JL
January 17th is our 2 year Anniversary and our speaker will be on vibrogym. 21st Febuary we have a talk on Benefits, all are wellcome.

Hello My name is Nichola I am 47 and suffer with Fibromyalgia Syndrome, CFS, M E & a few related other conditions plus a serious back complaint. Fibromyalgia  is a painful debilitating condition. There are hundreds of sufferers all over the world and rising. We suffer from many problems physically and mentally. There is ongoing research.  We know it is not curable, however it can be managed. But there are still many people that have no idea what it is. We all need support. Own website and our main charity website We meet every third Tuesday of the month at Ferring Baptist Church Hall, Greystoke Road, Ferring, West Sussex, BN12 5JL first meeting, we start at 7pm doors open from 6.30pm until 9.00pm. The structure of our meetings are based on social, knowledge,information,support we have speakers and demo's, one to one's, benefit help.

We have a Library, Mini Holistic Treatments available at each meeting in a private room for a small charge. Information table, Raffle and refreshments. We do ask for donations at the door.  We have a Help Line in place to help with the right treatment, who to goto, or just to hav a chat with someone who understands you., facebook account.  Weare affiliated with our own charity FMSSAS We are always looking for volunteers.  We need to reach out to every sufferer and let them know there is help for them, they are not alone.

Future dates
  • Tuesday 15th July 6:30am until 6:30am
  • Tuesday 21st October 6:30am until 6:30am
  • Tuesday 20th January 6:30am until 6:30am
  • Tuesday 21st April 6:30am until 6:30am
  • Tuesday 21st July 6:30am until 6:30am
  • Tuesday 20th October 6:30am until 6:30am
  • Tuesday 19th January 6:30am until 6:30am
  • Tuesday 20th April 6:30am until 6:30am
  • Tuesday 20th July 6:30am until 6:30am
  • Tuesday 19th October 6:30am until 6:30am
  • Tuesday 18th January 6:30am until 6:30am
  • Tuesday 18th April 6:30am until 6:30am
  • Tuesday 18th July 6:30am until 6:30am
  • Tuesday 17th October 6:30am until 6:30am
  • Tuesday 16th January 6:30am until 6:30am
  • Tuesday 17th April 6:30am until 6:30am
  • Tuesday 17th July 6:30am until 6:30am
  • Tuesday 16th October 6:30am until 6:30am
  • Tuesday 15th January 6:30am until 6:30am
  • Tuesday 16th April 6:30am until 6:30am
  • Tuesday 16th July 6:30am until 6:30am
  • Tuesday 15th October 6:30am until 6:30am
  • Tuesday 21st January 6:30am until 6:30am
  • Tuesday 15th April 6:30am until 6:30am
  • Tuesday 15th July 6:30am until 6:30am
  • Tuesday 21st October 6:30am until 6:30am
  • Tuesday 20th January 6:30am until 6:30am
  • Tuesday 20th April 6:30am until 6:30am
  • Tuesday 20th July 6:30am until 6:30am
  • Tuesday 19th October 6:30am until 6:30am
  • Tuesday 18th January 6:30am until 6:30am
  • Tuesday 19th April 6:30am until 6:30am
  • Tuesday 19th July 6:30am until 6:30am
  • Tuesday 18th October 6:30am until 6:30am
  • Tuesday 17th January 6:30am until 6:30am
  • Tuesday 18th April 6:30am until 6:30am
  • Tuesday 18th July 6:30am until 6:30am
  • Tuesday 17th October 6:30am until 6:30am
  • Tuesday 16th January 6:30am until 6:30am
  • Tuesday 17th April 6:30am until 6:30am
  • Tuesday 17th July 6:30am until 6:30am
  • Tuesday 16th October 6:30am until 6:30am
  • Tuesday 15th January 6:30am until 6:30am
  • Tuesday 15th April 6:30am until 6:30am
  • Tuesday 15th July 6:30am until 6:30am
Social Interaction
* thebestof cannot be held responsible for any changes, amends or cancellations of an event