Tours and Sightseeing in Wrexham

Find the best Tours and Sightseeing in Wrexham as recommended by local Wrexham people in thebestof Wrexham's Tours and Sightseeing directory.
Tours and Sightseeing in Wrexham
Wrexham Town Trails
Wrexham Town Trails sightseeing tour of Wrexham Town Centre is an enjoyable and essential part of any visit to Wrexham helping you to discover over 30 places of historical interest. Visitors and locals alike will enjoy a gentle walk through Wrexham's past with a knowlegable local guide. Please call Phil on 0795 1400 795 (mobile) or Wrexham (01978) 290506 for more information or to book onto the sightseeing tour.
Lynn L said
Really good learning out of the classroom sessions. Reliable service and trustworthy guide.
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Alyn Lodge Bed and Breakfast
Oxfam Shop Wrexham
Wrexham Museum and Bersham Heritage Centre
Ambitions Dance Centre
Quality Acoustics Sound Services
Mulberry Blinds
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