Electrical Contractors in Cambridgeshire

Find the best Electrical Contractors in Cambridgeshire as recommended by local Cambridgeshire people in thebestof Cambridgeshire's Electrical Contractors directory.
Electrical Contractors in Cambridgeshire
Gollins Electrical  Ltd St Neots
St Neots / Cambridgeshire Electrician for all electrical work and testing including PAT - Fully certified and insured.
William A said
I had a sudden loss of power downstairs, at home. I contacted Nigel as an emergency call and he came within two hours, staying until late evening. Nigel supplied emergency power for the fridge and freezer to protect the contents. He returned the next morning and the fault cleared. His work was thorough and methodical in locating the fault. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
Source: thebestof.co.uk
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Kasteel Construction - Builders St Neots
Climatise Solutions Ltd St Neots
Smart Clean Valeting & Detailing St Neots
Inspirations Kitchen Design St Neots
Freshwater Bathrooms and Tiles
Ocean Adventures Scuba Diving Dive College St Neots Cambridgeshire
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