Presented annually by the YBG, the Bill Green Award aims to elevate local businesses into the spotlight and this year will be awarded as part of the Véyaon Awards in November, during Global Entrepreneurship Week.
Guernsey Electricity is teaming up with local installers and trade partners to inspire and accelerate the decarbonisation of heating and transport in Guernsey.
So, it’s time to properly introduce this important lady who’s been cropping up in our social feeds with Alicia. Lucyna, pictured on the right, is our newly appointed field manager. And makeup maestro – even in the fields, she’s nightclub ready.😆
I can't quite believe our 'Buy Local' campaign was set up all of 10 years ago! There is no better time to celebrate as buying local is so important to the Guernsey economy at this time.
Rick de Garis of thebestof Guernsey presented Advocate Peter Atkinson of the Guernsey Society for Cancer Relief a cheque for funds raised at events over the course of the year.
Last week we hosted an awards evening at La Reunion for the Guernsey Business of the Year Awards to celebrate local business success and raised funds for Bulstrode House.
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