News & Updates
Charity News & Updates

Boost your charity’s visibility with free promotion on thebestof Eastbourne. Learn how to share updates, promote events, and gain recognition in the community.
Tune in to Radio DGH on 9th February for your chance to win Afternoon Tea for two at The Langham Hotel, Eastbourne. Don't miss this indulgent prize!
Join One Answer Insurance’s Trevor Cutts as he takes on wild challenges to support St Wilfrid’s Hospice, Eastbourne. Sponsor his brave journey today!
Access free and affordable advertising in Eastbourne. Promote community events, charities, and businesses with tailored support.
Join OHM Energy’s Solar for Change! Nominate and vote for a charity to receive free solar panels, bringing sustainable energy to our community. Vote by 30th November.
Chris Jones, walking the British Isles for the Masonic Charity Foundation, enjoyed a hearty breakfast at The Rosy Lee Café in Eastbourne before continuing his journey into Kent.
Oliver Davis, 14, from Eastbourne, has been honoured with a BBC Make a Difference Award for his dedication as a young carer, supporting his mum through serious health challenges.
Cafes and coffee shops needed to help start the conversation around Babyloss
Help make a difference this Christmas by volunteering with Warming Up the Homeless. We're seeking drivers, shop assistants, and outreach volunteers to support our efforts in Bexhill, Eastbourne, and Hastings.
Find out how thebestof Eastbourne and Radio DGH Eastbourne are collaborating to help local event organisers promote their events for FREE to a wider audience.
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