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Local Guides
 Fleetville Swing Band
Rehearsals: Assembly Hall, Fleetville Infants School, Royal Road, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL1 4LX
The Fleetville Swing Band comprises both professional and amateur musicians from St Albans and the surrounding area in Hertfordshire. Read more
Harvesters Football Club
Oaklands Lane, Smallford, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL4 0HR
Founded in 1987, Harvesters FC is an FA Charter Standard Football Club and Nike Partner Club with youth teams from under 7s to under 18s for girls, boys & inclusives, as well as a walking football team. Read more
The Old Chapel, Mallard Road, Abbots Langley, Hertfordshire, WD5 0GQ
DEMAND (Design and Manufacture for Disability) designs and builds innovative products, ranging from the simple to the complex to transform and improve the lives of disabled people and those of their carers and families in and around Watford and throughout the United Kingdom. Read more
Wrigglers and Tiddlers
Walsworth Road Baptist Church, Hitchin, SG4 9SG
We're a small, friendly Baby & Toddler group based at Walsworth Road Baptist Church, Hitchin, where Mums, Dads, Grandparents & Carers can meet together on a Thursday morning (9.30am-11.30am) during term-time for a chat and a coffee/tea whilst our children have the opportunity to play and socialize with others in a safe and caring environment. Read more
Welwyn Garden City Hockey Club
Herts Sports Village, De Havilland Campus, Hatfield Business Park, Hatfield, Al10 9EU
Mosaic Counselling Services
Mosaic Counselling Services (CIC), 4 Victoria Street, St. Albans, , AL1 3JD
Mosaic Counselling Services’ mission is to provide affordable and accessible counselling to everyone in our community. Read more
Woodcraft Folk
Locations in Central St Albans (AL1) & Central Colney Heath (AL4), AL1
Woodcraft Folk is a children and young people's organisation working across the UK. We aim to have fun but also to help children to grow in confidence, learn about the world and start to understand how to value our planet and each other. Locations in Central St Albans & Colney Heath. Read more
Mercure Hotel, Hatfield, AL10 9AF
Rotary is a friendly Club for men and women who meet weekly to enjoy food and conversation, and entertaining and informative speakers but We also work for our local communities tackling tough challenges raising money for good local charities and engaging with other clubs on shared national and international projects. Read more
Therapeutic Hooves
Marden Hill, Hertford, SG14 2NE
Therapeutic Hooves is a therapeutic centre based in Hertford. Our horses are kept in a beautiful and quiet part of the countryside. We offer one to one and group sessions to children and adults with a wide range of disabilities. Read more
The Red Rubber Ball Foundation
39 Barleycroft Road, Welwyn Garden City, AL8 6JX
When Neil Kirby offered to do a fundraising climb of Mont Blanc in 2010, little did he realise that a few short years later he would have put 193 Kenyan children through secondary school, providing 630 years of schooling altogether. Read more
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