Educational Services in Lancashire

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Educational Services in Lancashire
Bolton Tuition Centre
Bolton Tuition Centre is a local tutoring service for young people across Bolton, Lancashire and the North West. They offer a wide range of services from entrance exam tuition to specific tuition on key skills of maths and English.
S W said
I started having chemistry tuition once a week with Farayi for the past 12 months right up to my GCSEs. Before I started my tuition, I was achieving level 6s (Bs) and hated chemistry! Farayi was very encouraging and patient with me and with his help, I managed to get level 9 (A**) in my GCSE exam and now I absolutely love chemistry. I am over the moon with my results and have decided to take it for A level! Massive thanks to Sherrie and Farayi for all your help :) Ellie
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