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Local News and Updates
Hinckley Business Association  All Over the Shop
  • 6th May 2009
A great evening, as ever, at the quarterly Hinckley Business Association (HBA) seminar/dinner at the end of April but even more so with a really first class after dinner speaker - Geoff Burch.... Read more
Market Harborough Win the Sport Relief fundraising challenge!
  • 21st March 2010
Market Harborough smashed it's way to the top of the fund raising challenge set by Karen Harewood as part of her 3 town Sport Relief effort today raising over £397 Read more
Summer Fun in Hinckley - Busy Time Ahead for June 2009
  • 26th May 2009
What a busy time it is in town for us during June!... Read more
Massage and a great body
  • 11th October 2011
It’s that time of year where it seems as though everyone is trying to slim down for Christmas. Read more
What is the cost of having a Will prepared and when the time comes, getting it administered?
  • 31st December 2010
Our bestof Will Writer and Estate Planner – Rob Abell of Will Planning Solutions, takes a look at the cost of having Will prepared and then of getting it administered.... Read more
The Fun Of The Seaside Comes To Market Harborough
  • 31st July 2009
Fun at the seaside?... Read more
Leicester Set To Be A Very Busy City As Top Football And Rugby Home Games Clash
  • 28th April 2011
As both the Football and Rugby seasons come to their climax both our teams have a home match on the same day.... Read more
Sunday Lunch - try the NEW Sunday Carvery at the Marina Brewers Fayre Hinckley
  • 21st February 2011
The great Sunday lunch at the Marina Brewers Fayre Hinckley just got better!... Read more
FIT NOTES - the cost of sick leave in the workplace
  • 14th April 2010
Our bestof Human Resource specialist - Denise Mather of DEMand Results, provides us with an update to the recent changes to sick notes.... Read more
Message From Harborough Police Regarding English Defence League And Unite Against Fascism Protests In Leicester
  • 9th October 2010
Leaflets have been distributed to warn people about the forthcoming protests in Leicester City Centre. Read more
Displaying page 59 of 162