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Local News and Updates
The Best of Just Keeps Getting Better!
  • 12th October 2008
A great day at thebestof Regional Meeting last Wednesday in Solihull, always good to meet up with the other like minded bestof business owners in the region and compare notes on how to deliver the very best service to our local businesses.... Read more
Charity Calendar On Sale In Harborough Region "Men And Their Weapons"
  • 28th August 2008
A fundraising calendar, featuring local blokes with no a lot on, is going on sale in the Market Harborough area!... Read more
Need to De-Stress and Relax?
  • 2nd November 2009
Are you feeling stressed as the winter months and the short dark days approach?... Read more
Leicestershire Fund Raisers Parachute For East Midlands Charity NCH
  • 4th August 2008
TAKE THE PLUNGE Thrill seekers across Leicestershire are being asked to parachute out of a plane at 10,000 feet in aid of leading children's charity NCH.... Read more
Brother What a Handy Offer - making labels just got much easier.
  • 2nd November 2009
Need to label some files, the children's clothes or in fact anything else in the home, office or business?... Read more
It's Time to BID for the Future Hinckley
  • 31st October 2008
Hinckley town centre has a great opportunity approaching as we get close to the final date for the Business Improvement District (BID) ballot on the 18th November 2008.... Read more
Kibworth Publican Prepares To Dig Up The Past
  • 15th July 2009
The Coach and Horses Inn at Kibworth near Market Harborough is the focal point of a new archaeological series to feature on BBC.... Read more
Grange Team Succeed Despite Avalanche Part 1
  • 8th May 2009
The Grange Team faced its toughest challenge yet, when an avalanche struck on day one of their Haute Route ski tour, possibly the most famous and coveted ski tour in the world.... Read more
Leicestershire Publican Prepares To Dig Up The Past
  • 14th July 2009
The Coach and Horses at Kibworth is to be the scene of an Achaeological dig at the end of July.... Read more
Be a Superhero For Rainbows
  • 9th May 2012
It’s time to dust off your superhero suit, because Rainbows Hospice for Children and Young People needs all the heroes it can find. Read more
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