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Local News and Updates
Why, How & What - sets you apart from your competitors?
  • 14th June 2015
"We provide great customer service"....... Read more
Are you running your businesses in the past?
  • 14th June 2015
In 2015 there seems to be many small businesses out there running their businesses as if we live in 1995..... Read more
Why Choose Window Blinds for your Home?
  • 31st May 2015
More and more people are choosing blinds over curtains, Barlow Blinds and Awnings in Leicester tell us why. Read more
Did you know that it will soon be National Bike Week?
  • 27th May 2015
We give you Ten Good Reasons Why You Should Try Cycling Read more
Need More Hours in the Day?
  • 26th May 2015
If you are struggling to manage your time effectively, we have 5 top tips for better time management Read more
Campaign to 'Buy Local' in Market Harborough
  • 20th May 2015
Witness The Power of A Good Review About Your Favourite Market Harborough Local Business. Read more
May Half Term Activities in Leicester!
  • 17th May 2015
With May half term just around the corner, we've found some great places to take the kids! Read more
Leicester Festivals and Festivities – May 2015
  • 11th May 2015
There is a rolling programme of major festivals and events going on in Leicester throughout the year, here’s what’s happening in May. Read more
How To Use Twitter in Business
  • 6th May 2015
Love it or hate it, Twitter is a powerful tool for connecting you and your business to a wider audience. Read more
How Can I Donate To The Nepal Earthquake Appeal Fund?
  • 30th April 2015
Please support The Everest Dine Fundraising Appeal on Tuesday 19th May. Read more
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