Baby Classes in Midlands

Find the best Baby Classes in Midlands as recommended by local Midlands people in thebestof Midlands's Baby Classes directory.
Baby Classes in Midlands
Bloomingful Births
Whether you're looking for pregnancy yoga, baby massages or partner pampering in the West Midlands, Bloomingful Births based in Walsall can help!
Joanne Lowe said
Thank you so much for a wonderful baby massage course! We enjoyed it so much. The course went at a lovely pace, I was able to learn lots of different techniques to use with my baby at home. It was a wonderful bonding experience. I was pleasantly surprised with the additional sensory items that we could take home each week, and it was lovely to sing nursery rhymes at the end of the class. All my questions were answered, and I was made to feel very welcome and at ease - something that’s extremely important when you’ve just had a baby. I would recommend this course to anybody, it is such amazing value considering it also includes access to all the videos online to support you at home.
Repertoire Dance Studio
For professionally accredited dance training in the West Midlands. Give Repertoire Dance and Performing Arts in Willenhall, Walsall a call!
Letisha E said
Best Dance schools my girls have been to and they’ve been to a few run by lovely teachers. ❤️
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