Wedding Celebrants in Midlands

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Wedding Celebrants in Midlands
Kathryn Smith Independent Celebrant
Searching funeral services in the West Midlands for a compassionate celebrant to help you organise a meaningful funeral for your loved one, then contact Walsall based Kathryn Smith Independent Celebrant today. Kathryn is also available for memorial services as well as weddings and naming ceremonies.
Julie M said
Kathryn recently presided over Mom's Thanksgiving service.
Prior to the service, Kathryn spent time with us, listening to our family stories. Mom was great fun and we wanted that portrayed during the service. We very much wanted to celebrate Mom's life and give thanks for her and express just what she meant to us.
Kathryn captured that perfectly, she was wonderful, striking the exact note we wanted.
Kathryn was professional throughout and delivered a thoughful and respectful service which was also fun. There was laughter as well as tears and many of our friends and family have said it was the "best" funeral they had been
Thank you Kathryn for a job very well done.
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