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Financial Services News & Updates

Businesses and employees need to act fast to get ahead of the removal of a tax break for double-cab pick-ups which could leave them up to £8,000 worse off, Prime Accountants has warned.
Business owners and shareholders planning to gift shares to their children because of impending changes to inheritance tax (IHT) have been urged to seek comprehensive advice by a Birmingham tax specialist.
A financial expert is urging people to ensure their vulnerable loved ones can benefit from their assets – by creating a trust for them.
The Midlands corporate finance team of national audit, tax, advisory and consulting firm Crowe has helped a Dutch managed service provider (MSP) make its first acquisition in the UK.
A financial expert has warned that inheritance changes introduced in the Labour Budget have sparked significant concerns for business owners, particularly those running small and family businesses.
Citysave Credit Union has announced its recognition as Community Business/Cooperative of the Year at the 2024 Social Economy Awards.
A Sutton Coldfield-based financial expert is urging people to consider how their long-term financial plan could benefit not only themselves but provide a life-changing legacy for their loved ones’ futures.
Hospitality industry businesses are being warned to be well prepared for changes to the law on tips and gratuities this autumn – or face the possibility of employment tribunals.
The government has today unveiled new measures to crackdown on late payments to SMEs, which Sir Keir Starmer says is “one of the biggest reasons businesses collapse.”
Business confidence in the West Midlands fell 10 points during August to 42 per cent, according to the latest Business Barometer from Lloyds Bank Commercial Banking.
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