News & Updates
Health and Wellbeing News & Updates

If you've made it a New Year's resolution to quit smoking or lose weight, a new free healthy lifestyles service is here to help!
Patients, families and carers who’ve received outstanding care at a West Midlands NHS Trust are being urged to nominate healthcare professionals for a coveted award.
People are being encouraged to make a different sort of New Year’s resolution with WV Active in 2025.
Site investigations are taking place this month ahead of construction works starting next year on a new state-of-the-art Bilston Health & Wellbeing Facility to serve the community.
A mum-of-two who began her NHS career as an apprentice is celebrating after winning a top award for new Black Country talent in healthcare.
Let’s start with the concept of perfect health and wellbeing and how stress wears that down over a lifetime. Our bodies have to cope daily with multiple internal and external variables that either contribute to or erode health and wellbeing.
Smokers in Wolverhampton are coming forward to take advantage of help and support as they look to 'Swap to Stop'.
A series of vaccination clinics will be taking place across the Black Country for pupils from reception to year 11 who have missed having their free flu vaccine in school, and for children who are educated at home.
Pregnant women and older adults are now eligible for the new Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine and are being encouraged to book appointments before the onset of winter.
People are being encouraged to get out and about this autumn by joining one of a series of 'health walks' which take place around Wolverhampton.
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