News & Updates
Pets and Animal Services News & Updates

There are 16 types of aggression seen in dogs.
If you struggle to get your cat in the carrier to visit the vet then this is the read for you!
A Shrewsbury town centre business is giving pet owners the chance to do something pawsitive for their dog - a professional photograph free of charge that is sure to get those tails wagging.
Microchipping Cats in Walsall
Microchipping Cats in Walsall
New legislation means it is compulsory to have your cat microchipped by 10th June 2024.
ALL our vets, nurses and receptionists at Abbey Vets adopt a “fear free” ethos.
It sure have been cold these past few days, here are some helpful tips on how to care for your dog, and keep them safe in this winter
All animals, puppies included, have a special sensitive period at the start of their lives where socialisation takes place.
With all the excitement, it’s easy to forget about how our pets cope with Bonfire Night. Here's some tips from local recommended veterinary practice Pool House.
We humans are probably not looking forward to the shorter days of autumn and winter.
Autumn safety advice for your pet
Autumn safety advice for your pet
After such a long hot summer, it’s hard to imagine that soon we’ll be back to darker nights with cold, damp days. Some diseases are seasonal and can be more of a threat at this time of year. By learning about them, we can keep our pets safer.
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