Save the Date! Somerset Armed Forces Day returns to Vivary Park, in the heart of our County Town on Saturday 6th July 2024. A FREE FUN DAY OUT FOR ALL THE FAMILY.
In her 70th year as Monarch we have a Queen who has worked ceaselessly for the country that she loves. We are about to celebrate a personal and public milestone that has never happened before: her Platinum Jubilee.
Lately to stay in my local area and avoid all unnecessary trips has seen me find my local traders all over again. What has drawn me back to my high street?
If you or a vulnerable family member or neighbour are in, or are about to begin self-isolation, please contact us if you need any of the following services:
Mother’s Day is coming sooner than you think (March 22nd 2020) so if you want to spoil your Mother, you
need to book something soon.
Historically Mother’s Day was the day that children and young people ‘in service’ were given off to return
home to their families or their Mother Church to visit. Wildflowers were often picked along the way to give
to their Mother or to take to Church and so the tradition of flowers or gifts has come from this. Nowadays
we choose to give flowers, a gift or spoil our Mum’s in more modern ways. Here are a few suggestions for
Student Volunteering Week 2020 enters its 20th year, let’s make it the best yet! During its lifetime this event has broadened horizons and enriched students and the people that they have interacted with many times over. This event aims to celebrate the positive impact of today’s student volunteers and encourages students to engage in civic life. Student Hubs and the National Union of Students (NUS) are supporting the Student Volunteering Network in delivering the campaign.
Much is said about Mental Health in general in today’s media with personalities as elevated as the Royal Family taking an active roll in promoting greater understanding and acceptance of Mental Health issues and especially those of children and young people.
Children’s Mental Health Week runs from Monday 3rd February until the 9th Feb.
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