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Hobbies and Pastimes News & Updates

Poppy Day Glass from Glassification. All proceeds from Poppy items will be donated to the Royal British Legion.
From 28th September, The Campaign for Wool’s annual Wool Week will mark it’s 10th year of raising awareness of this purely natural resource that is home grown. Throughout our history Britain has raised sheep, processed wool, made garments and furnishings from this most natural and much-loved textile and exported wool and textiles throughout the world.
Britain is blessed with a fabulous coastline and we have our fair share of it here on our doorsteps. It has become apparent, thanks to massive publicity in the media, that areas of the country, especially the coastal areas have become polluted and in some cases almost unfit for human use, debris from ships, debris from beach visitors not taking their rubbish home with them plus all of the flotsam and jetsam thrown up from goodness knows where by the sea. Plus, plastic micro particles are entering the food chain leaving all of us at risk. What can we do to prevent this detritus from accumulating and causing growing health risks?
Bath Festivals secures council investment for sustainable future
 Bath IRON needs your help ...
Bath IRON needs your help ...
Would you like to be part of a painting party?
Electric Bike Hire is coming to Bath this summer
Keynsham re-use sale
Keynsham re-use sale
Pre-loved furniture and bric-a-brac, come along and grab a bargain!
27th July to 2nd September 2018 is National Fishing Month,bringing greater public awareness to the community about one of the most popular participation Sports in the UK. Not only is fishing very popular in Britain, and across the world,with vast numbers of anglers throughout this Country heading for riversides, ponds and any other stretch of open water at every opportunity but fishing is also one of the oldest pursuits known to man.
You can find everything you need to create a quintessential English garden at Royal Victoria Park Nursery.
Enjoy the festive spirit and take a spin on a Victorian Carousel.
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