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Local News and Updates
How Mothering Sunday became Mother's Day
  • 24th February 2015
Did You Know How Mothering Sunday Became Mother's Day? Read more
St David's Day
  • 24th February 2015
St David's Day the patron Saint of Wales Read more
Clash Of The Nations
  • 24th February 2015
Sunday 22nd February saw Bridgend Disabled Footballer’s take on the mighty Doncaster Titans Read more
Free UK postage at Flowerbags!
  • 24th February 2015
What's that?... Read more
The Perfect Mother's Day
  • 23rd February 2015
Mothers look away!... Read more
The Member's Member Award
  • 23rd February 2015
thebestof Awards evening is back for 2015!... Read more
Chinese New Year
  • 16th February 2015
Chinese New Year the year of the Goat/Sheep Read more
Ash Wednesday
  • 16th February 2015
Ash Wednesday is a Christian observance in the UK. Read more
Shrove Tuesday
  • 16th February 2015
Shrove Tuesday (Pancake day) with Recipe on how to make them. Read more
Visit a Castle in Wales for FREE on St David's Day!
  • 12th February 2015
Take a journey through Welsh heritage on the day of St David's Read more
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