Party Venues in South West

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Party Venues in South West
Portmore Golf Park
Portmore Golf Park near Barnstaple in North Devon welcomes members and visitors alike and is one of the area’s most friendly golf clubs. Two challenging but playable courses in a beautiful setting, plus exceptional facilities including a bar, restaurant, driving range and function rooms. No membership required - just turn up and play! Call 01271 378378 for more information
Patricia S said
The North Devon Show held it's AGM at Portmore last week. We held the main business of the AGM in a room adjoining the restaurant where 96 people sat down to dine. The food was first class, the staff very courteous and overall there was a lovely atmosphere. We would highly recommend Portmore Golf Park as your venue.
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Egypt Mill Hotel and Restaurant in The Cotswolds
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BookCheck, Stroud, Gloucestershire
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