News & Updates
Glorious Food News & Updates

Local #Lichfield businesses are pulling out all the stops for you to enjoy your favourite tipples or take away during the current lockdown.
If you have chosen to eat vegan this January I hope that your motivators include helping the environment and shopping locally.
Did you know that fruit and vegetables that have been allowed to ripen naturally have between 3 and 4 times the amount of vitamins and minerals? And they taste better too!
Autum is definitely here, the kitchen is filled with delicious smells of roasted vegetables, soups and stews.
September - the start of Autumn
September - the start of Autumn
It’s been an amazing summer, but Autumn has definitely arrived, the weather is cooler and I’m looking forward to some comfort food
The forecasts is for more hot and sunny weather, so lets get those barbecues earning their keep.
Strawberries and Wimbledon go hand in hand, and I’m hoping the good weather will last for a few more weeks at least
Make this Father's Day one to remember with help from our recommended businesses
I've appreciated even more how lucky we are living in Lichfield. There are so many places to eat it's not been too much of a chore living without a kitchen for a few weeks.
I think April is my favourite month for seasonal food, and hopefully it will be getting warmer too.
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