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Local News and Updates
Christmas is coming to Swansea
  • 24th October 2014
You know that Christmas in Swansea is just around the corner when the talk turns to the Waterfront Winterland. Read more
Swansea council changes it's mind about school land
  • 24th October 2014
The new leadership in Swansea council have had a change of heart about selling school playing fields to developers. Read more
Why You Need to Invest in SEO Now
  • 23rd October 2014
The old "SEO" is dead.... Read more
Swansea putting more traffic wardens on the beat
  • 23rd October 2014
Swansea Council have announced that they are increasing traffic wardens hours in a bid to cut anti social; parking Read more
Swansea port precautions following world ebola alert
  • 22nd October 2014
Ebola health guidelines have been issued to the Port of Swansea as the disease continues to spread. Read more
Big focus on small business in Swansea
  • 22nd October 2014
Two conferences recently took place highlighting where business needs to focus in a future Swansea. Read more
It's Halloween!
  • 21st October 2014
The word Halloween is a shortening of All Hallows' Evening also known as Hallowe'en or All Hallows' Eve.... Read more
  • 21st October 2014
48 years ago today, we lost 116 children and 28 adults in Aberfan. Read more
Swansea's Lagoon gets a big boost - the man from the Pru has decided to invest!
  • 20th October 2014
Great news announced - the giant insurance company The Prudential has decided to become a major investor in this Swansea based enviro project. Read more
They are even writing about Swansea holidays in Korea !
  • 20th October 2014
Travel writers in Korea are extolling the virtues of Swansea and the Gower to their readers as a must go to holiday destination next year. Read more
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