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Local News and Updates
Swansea still a city in bloom
  • 7th October 2014
The Swansea council policy of leaving the grass grow on some of the verges roundabouts and public spaces has paid dividends this year. Read more
Maynard Training Services are providing essential training for the Hospitality Sector.
  • 3rd October 2014
This course is ideal for anyone considering a career in the licensing trade. Read more
Maynard Training Services - Training for the Hospitality Sector.
  • 3rd October 2014
Mike Maynard is planning the provision of a two day course to get you on the right track. Read more
Are the Swansea council buildings up for sale?
  • 3rd October 2014
The Civic buildings that Swansea council has occupied since 1982 may be sold off to balance the books. Read more
Housing boom comes to Swansea
  • 3rd October 2014
Reports show that house prices in Swansea have increased faster here than almost anywhere else. Read more
Wrexham Community Choir returns from performances in  Poland
  • 2nd October 2014
Fifty members of Wrexham Community Choir have just returned from a visit to Międzychód in Poland where they were the invited guests of the Lutnia Choir and the Międzychód Centre for Arts and Culture. Read more
3 tips to help you when buying used parts for a vehicle
  • 2nd October 2014
Buying second hand parts can save huge amounts of money and if you buy from a reputable dealer, you will get a warranty with your purchase. Read more
Do you sell or network?
  • 2nd October 2014
Do you sell or network?... Read more
Charity Coffee Morning for the Jigso Children’s Centre, Cardigan
  • 1st October 2014
Friday 9th October at Clynfyw Care Farm, Abercych—do come! Read more
Eastender night out in Swansea
  • 1st October 2014
Yes - Swansea has had the ultimate seal of approval - Ian Beale has sampled our nightlife and likes it! Read more
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