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Local News and Updates
A Day at The Races
  • 22nd July 2009
A day out at Bangor on Dee Racecourse is a special treat for visiting friends. Read more
Feed the Birds!
  • 6th January 2010
Feed the Birds.... Read more
Light the Fuse and Stand Back!
  • 2nd November 2011
thebestof Wrexham strives to continue to evolve and grow, as should every business that wants to survive.... Read more
Paramount Pictures to build a Theme Park comparable to Disneyland Paris in Mercia, Spain
  • 25th March 2010
Paramount Pictures have chosen the region of Murcia for the construction of the biggest theme park in Spain which aims to compete directly with Disneyland in Paris Read more
Accountants know the score.
  • 12th August 2009
A few minutes spent with a good accountant can give a FAIR appraisal of the state of small businesses.... Read more
Over 60's swim for free in local Llandudno Pools
  • 22nd March 2010
Over 60's swim for FREE in all our local swimming pools. Read more
Do you have time to eat a proper lunch during your working day?
  • 22nd February 2011
Time is often of the essence when taking a lunch break.... Read more
Which Social Media Site Is Best For Your Business?
  • 6th October 2011
Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin or YouTube?... Read more
Wisebuys make Buying Local a pleasure!
  • 26th March 2012
It is the first long weekend break of the year and many of us whether we celebrate Easter or not would want to take advantage of the 4 day break so why not get the food in now? Read more
How and Why to build a Blog strategy into your Micro Business Marketing Strategy in Pontypridd and Rhondda.
  • 14th June 2011
Some top tips on micro business blogging strategies for you business in Pontypridd - Rhondda - Bridgend.... Read more
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