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Local News and Updates
Carpet Cleaning Vs New Carpets in Pontypridd and Rhondda
  • 11th November 2010
For a tried, tested and trusted carpet cleaner contact Steve Derry at Advanced Eco Clean.... Read more
Groundworks for new Clubhouse at Glyn Abbey Golf Club have begun
  • 12th December 2009
The Plans for the New Clubhouse and restaurant have been given the go ahead.... Read more
Two New Zealand Wines in the Spotlight with Wilson Wines this week
  • 8th June 2012
New Zealand does seem to be very consistent in producing some cracking wines and these two from Turning Heads are no exception Read more
Booked Lunch for Mother yet? Great Offer at The Teifi Netpool in St Dogmaels
  • 9th March 2012
Have a stroll on the banks overlooking the Teifi with great views both back to the town of Cardigan and onto the Estuary.... Read more
Why are us Brits so bad at giving good service? In fact giving any service at all
  • 27th November 2010
Why are we in Britain so awful about good service.... Read more
How Do You manage employees who regularly throw "sickies"?
  • 3rd September 2010
Joy Arkley of HRDept West Wales discusses and offer advice on how Employers deal with employees who regularly take sick leave. Read more
Jeffrey Gitomers take on Social Media - "there has gotta be an opportunity in there someplace"
  • 4th November 2010
Jeffrey Gitomer is my most respected sales guru.... Read more
Be a Winner! Give your business a sporting chance
  • 20th March 2012
With 2012 set to be a key year for sport, Conwy Business Centre is giving starters orders on an event aimed at improving the fitness of your business to reach for gold. Read more
Add your community and charity events to the Best of Pontypridd and get noticed.
  • 9th March 2011
It's not easy to find community events listings in the Pontypridd and Rhondda area so if you want publicise a local event, join us and let other people know about your events from sponsored dog walking to poetry readings. Read more
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