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Local News and Updates
What's on in Pembrokeshire 13th-19th November 2015
  • 4th November 2015
It's a little quieter than it has been but there's still lots to do if you don't want to hibernate! Read more
Dog verses Cats… on the apprentice
  • 3rd November 2015
Apprentice week 4 This week the teams have to pick 3 pet products each and then sell them at an exhibitions.... Read more
Dog verses Cats… on the apprentice
  • 3rd November 2015
Apprentice week 4 This week the teams have to pick 3 pet products each and then sell them at an exhibitions.... Read more
Prehistoric Pembrokeshire
  • 2nd November 2015
Let's begin at the beginning - prehistoric caves, magnificent burial monuments, stone circles and archaeological stories of Stonehenge.... Read more
Volunteers and Choirs Needed
  • 2nd November 2015
Cancer Research Wales are looking for Volunteers and Choirs to help them with the Gift Wrapping Service in December Read more
What's on in Pembrokeshire 6th-12th November 2015
  • 28th October 2015
What's happening this week?... Read more
What's on in Carmarthenshire this weekend 6th-12th November
  • 28th October 2015
Many people have started preparing for a certain special occasion at the end of December but there's November to enjoy yet - let's see what's on this week. Read more
What's on in Cardigan and Teifi Valley 6th-11th November 2015
  • 28th October 2015
November - Short days and cold nights.... Read more
Jenlu – Creating Jobs for Local Talent
  • 28th October 2015
Tessa Stephens and Jenlu Finalist Business of the Year 2015 With Free2Network Business Awards Read more
Displaying page 29 of 315