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Local News and Updates
Swansea Market
  • 9th May 2014
Interesting to see some great history of Swansea Market which has not always been on the present site. Read more
Swansea Sandfields still fields of sand?
  • 9th May 2014
Concerns have been raised about the time it is taking to clear drifts of sand from Swansea's foreshore. Read more
Swansea trained Mars Scientist dies suddenly
  • 9th May 2014
Colin Pillinger the colourful scientist behing the ill fated Mars probe died suddenly this week Read more
Dylan Thomas swaps Swansea for Shanghai?
  • 8th May 2014
In this Dylan Thomas centenary year Swansea's famous literary son is having his works translated into Mandarin. Read more
Mummy's Secrets Finally Revealed
  • 8th May 2014
A Mummified body in the Swansea University Egypt Collection has finally given up it's secrets. Read more
Boost for the Swansea Tidal Lagoon
  • 8th May 2014
A recent annoncement has given a big boost for the Swansea Tidal Lagoon scheme Read more
Swans dole out a thrashing
  • 7th May 2014
The annual Swans v The press football match ended in a predictable rout of the journos! Read more
Do teachers spend enough time teaching?
  • 7th May 2014
A Swansea headteacher has spoken out on behalf of her colleagues asking for less interference and more support in teaching classes. Read more
American royalty in Swansea ?
  • 7th May 2014
Kings of Leon the American rock band have announced a date at the Liberty Stadium in Swansea this summer. Read more
Swansea traffic not so bad?
  • 7th May 2014
Think on when you are stuck in a traffic jam on the way to work this summer... Read more
Displaying page 90 of 315