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Local News and Updates
American - Pembrokeshire links
  • 10th December 2015
Looking back to my tour guiding work of 2015, I led some great people around Pembrokeshire.... Read more
Christmas is coming, the posties are in training, and it is time to organise the Christmas cards.
  • 8th December 2015
Season’s greetings to everyone are best delivered by a cheery card, for many a gift too, and for those living far and wide it is time to prepare to get them there on time. Read more
Home Improvements for the New Year
  • 7th December 2015
Any alteration you make to your home makes a difference: that's what spurs us on to make improvements. Read more
A Meeting of 2 faiths and 2 cultures
  • 30th November 2015
As a tour guide I get the opportunity to lead many differing groups and individuals around our County.... Read more
Feeling Festive at The Stackpole Inn
  • 18th November 2015
Now's the ideal time to spend the evening somewhere cosy and welcoming and the Stackpole's dining offers throughout winter and Christmas events means that you don't have to hold out for a special occasion! Read more
 Craig Rhosyfelin -  Bluestone quarry
  • 17th November 2015
I was really priveliged this summer to have been given a tour of the rocky outcrop at Craig Rhosyfelin by the famous archaeologist Mike Parker Pearson. Read more
What's on in Carmarthenshire 20th-26th November
  • 12th November 2015
Only one more week of November and really does begin! Read more
What's on in Cardigan and Teifi Valley 20th-26th November 2015
  • 12th November 2015
I hate to ask but I’m going to: are you feeling festive yet? Read more
What's on in Pembrokeshire 20th-26th November 2015
  • 12th November 2015
We’ve reached the penultimate week of November – I told you it would fly by! Read more
Preseli Bluestones - the mystery continues
  • 5th November 2015
The mystery of the Preseli hills has intrigued me since a young age.... Read more
Displaying page 4 of 88