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Local News and Updates
What's Love got to do with it?
  • 14th February 2012
Love and marriage go together like a horse and carriage but does it work in the work place? Read more
Celebratory Vintage  Afternoon Tea at the Gwesty'r Emlyn Hotel
  • 17th September 2011
Afternoon tea is one of my husbands favourite occasions.... Read more
Tickets now available for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
  • 7th November 2010
Children and Adults alike have been keenly awaiting the next chapter in the life of Harry Potter.... Read more
DIY or do you call in the Experts?
  • 18th January 2010
New Year New Project!... Read more
thebestof Carmarthen's Events Pages
  • 8th November 2008
Christmas is fast approaching and there are many events being held in and around the area.... Read more
Is your professional logo your intellectual property?
  • 2nd November 2010
A professionally designed logo can shout your brand and trademark but ask yourself - is it similar to another brand?... Read more
Is it possible to Save Money and Make Money from Electricity?
  • 18th July 2011
Would you like to know how installing Photovoltaic Solar Panels can save you money but with the Governments Clean Energy Cash Back Scheme but you can make money too! Read more
Are you putting people off by selling too much
  • 25th January 2011
People love to buy but they hate being sold to, so what do you need to change to professionally help someone to buy your product or service? Read more
Building in need of restoration? Important to you both traditional and sustainable building practices are used?
  • 5th April 2012
Looking for a reliable builder who understands conservation, sustainability and historic buildings with the added bonus of being a skilled Lime Plasterer? Read more
The Beauty World raves over Shellac Nails™ and Talking Heads uses the system!!
  • 20th January 2012
Painted nails can be high maintenance, constantly checking and repairing chips is a daily chore but no longer.... Read more
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