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Local News and Updates
Don't just create lanterns out of Pumpkins make this delicious soup too!
  • 8th October 2011
Pumpkins are in abundance at this time of year and are popular as lanterns around Halloween but don't waste the flesh of the pumpkin, use it to make a delicious soup! Read more
Another award for Pembrokeshire business - Modern Print & Design
  • 5th December 2011
I love to be able to present the Best businesses with an acolade for outstanding service and/or product so I am thrilled that the boys at Modern Print have once again excelled in exceptional product and service. Read more
A very special Cote Du Rhone is in the Spotlight this week
  • 30th September 2011
Do you like Red Wines?... Read more
Mothering Sunday
  • 8th March 2010
What are you doing Sunday, 14th March?... Read more
Quality Assured Certificate awarded to Childcare Centre -definitely Happy Days!!
  • 28th May 2012
Not only have Happy Days Childcare been voted by local people the best Childcare Nursery in Pembrokeshire but they have gone on to gain another award...... Read more
Why are we bothered about the Olympic Torch Going Past?
  • 24th May 2012
Is just because we are going for gold or is there more to the human race pitting themselves against adversity (Details of Torch bearer timings too...) Read more
Feed the Birds!
  • 6th January 2010
Feed the Birds.... Read more
Do you have time to eat a proper lunch during your working day?
  • 22nd February 2011
Time is often of the essence when taking a lunch break.... Read more
Wisebuys make Buying Local a pleasure!
  • 26th March 2012
It is the first long weekend break of the year and many of us whether we celebrate Easter or not would want to take advantage of the 4 day break so why not get the food in now? Read more
Why special offers can seriously harm your profits
  • 21st July 2010
Special Offers can seriously damage your bottom line if not given careful thought.... Read more
Displaying page 50 of 88