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Local News and Updates
Remembrance Day
  • 10th November 2013
Let us remember all the British servicemen and women who have given their lives in the cause of freedom for Britain. Read more
York brewery beer festival
  • 8th November 2013
News on the York brewery beer festival...... Read more
Good luck Jonny
  • 8th November 2013
We wish York lad Jonny Bairstow the best of luck in the upcoming ashes series Read more
Hyde Park: Bonfire Night 2013
  • 6th November 2013
What a great night we had down at Hyde Park, plenty of stuff going on and a great display of fireworks and fire!!!! Read more
York's top attractions
  • 5th November 2013
Whether in York on tourist trip or just a day in town with the kids, here are Yorks most unmissable attractions Read more
How to get the Spook?
  • 5th November 2013
What is this spooky Halloween Business all about? Read more
Team of the week
  • 4th November 2013
This weeks team of the week is York city after a draw at the weekend Read more
Guy Fawkes film to be shot in York
  • 3rd November 2013
I have been informed through feedback from the Guy Fawkes blog that the infamous tale of Guido Fawkes will be shot as a film in York. Read more
Guy Fawkes
  • 3rd November 2013
With bonfire night on the way, I thought why not explain some history behind it, what with mr Fawkes being a Yorkie and all. Read more
Random York facts
  • 1st November 2013
To follow up on my York people blog..... Read more
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