News & Updates
Charity News & Updates

Managers of shops and services in Wrexham are invited to attend events about the 'Purple Angel' dementia campaign
Groundwork North Wales need YOUR VOTES to obtain funding to develop a sensory garden at Alyn Waters and provide a learning opportunity for 15 young homeless people.
Saturday 7 December 2013 from 9am-4pm at Queens Square, Wrexham
Preparations are under way for the Care Shoebox Appeal to make its way out to Romania. The countdown is on. We need your help in whatever way you can. Deadline – 15 November
Volunteers from Chirk based charity The Glyn Valley Tramway Trust recently raised a whopping £705.04 packing customers’ bags at Asda in Wrexham.
Remembrance Day in Wrexham
Remembrance Day in Wrexham
We owe them so much. Celebrating Remembrance Day in Wrexham
Tears, Triumphant Tales and Trombones. An Evening With Teams4U.
A Bangor accountant is thanking an ‘ostrich’ for helping him in his bid to raise much-needed funds for Wales Air Ambulance. Keith Barker ran the Bangor 10k in May with colleagues from Williams Denton. Having not run such a race for 25 years....
Go Yellow and have some fun raising money for Nightingale House Hospice.
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