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Ekko, Banbury

Going to Ekko is something I actually look forward to! In the past a visit to the hairdresser has been a bit of a chore. Too often when going to the hairdresser the staff have seemed only interested in themselves, or perhaps the clients of a similar age to themselves. They often seemed to have an opinion about the clients ad too willing to share it! However, from my first visit to Ekko it felt like going to a friend's (albeit a very professional one!) for a hairdo. They are always willing to try something new, or happy to stick with what is comfortable for a client. The staff are always friendly,and I now know quite a bit about them and their lives. They are happy to talk when I want to, and just as happy to concentrate in silence when I just want to relax and read. A visit at the end of the day sometimes includes a welcome glass of wine so it's a really relaxing experience. They are the friendliest staff I have ever come across. A five heart rating from me! Thank you.