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A Man Who Can, Bath

Every person usual male who has come to my house to do often very odd jobs have been really kind patient and knowledgeable colleagues . This last time I had an urgent job of painting an ensuite as part of the painted wall was not looking good after pictures were taken down. The job involved taking down some bathroom shelves and rail and Jamie did an excellent job as although a small area it needed two coats and was a bit awkward. All t he work people from this firm who have come to my house over many years have been so polite and friendly in addition to having amazing varied skills and very efficient. To fit me in quickly in a kind of emergency due to photograpsh being taken for selling when I know they are usually very busy was really excellent.

A Man Who Can, Bath

ONce again this brilliant firm turned up much earlier than they said to do several odd jobs very skilfully . They are amazing in that they can turn their hands to many really odd jobs often one you could do yourself if you had some one else to help! they never seem to mind - from fixing a leaning bird pole or checking a water butt is working properly plus doing a skilled job on two wooden angles that need rotted wood cutting out and redoing very carefully and making it look really good again. Their skill and knowledge range is very wide and I do not hesitate to ask their help over anything as I know it will be done with real skill and professionally. Always so polite and trustworthy. I simple cannot recommend them enough and all very good value. The Admin behind these skilful people is also very well organised polite and efficient .

Artizan Hair, Bath

It was wonderful to back after nearly 6 months due to an operation and lockdown . They have coef so well with lockdown and someone was able to reply to an enmail snd info was first class . This firm had great integrity and true to form those who missed appnts in first week were given priority Appnts your stylist has one permanent chair to use and washes yr hait so junior staff treated very well disposable mask and Cover are provided they hve worked bery hard and working in teams doing different days all week with long days feltvery dafr amf well cared for snd privileged . I hope they will survive this as so many places have closed forever in bath

Artizan Hair, Bath

A routine visit but the experience is always a consistent excellent quality . I always look forward to it as you get such good care and attention to make you feel special . All the staff are very warm and friendly with good old fashioned service without any subservience always polite and efficient . The wonderful extras of a hot rcolddrink offer plus a shoulder massage makes it a cot sbove other places .

A Man Who Can, Bath

Yet again A Man who Can has come to my rescue this time in a small job but they are so helpful and efficient. YOu can ask them very odd questions about maintenance or anything that might be a problem or become a problem . They do not esepcially small jobs or ones difficult to do if you are on your own to much bigger ones that do need professional help. I am amazed at their skill and efficiency and also versatility. I could not do without t hem.

Artizan Hair, Bath

this business makes going to the hair dressers a whole new experience. You just get a very relaxing hair wash with head massage and the staff are very good , efficient , very polite and friendly. Very well tarined too . You are always offered a drink hot or cold and if you are lucky a shoulder massage too. It makes having your hair cut washed and dried such a relaxing and excelletn experience. They use really lovely smelling products too and everyone could not be nicer.

A Man Who Can, Bath

Yet again another brilliant job done by A Man Whp Can. I had several odd jobs which they are very good at but the main one was finding out why some skirting board in my little utility area was peeling paint. A slow leak was suspected so they came back at a convenient date to spend some time crawling area in the small enclosed area with the washing machine to pull out too. The gentleman was wonderful so knowledgeable and could turn h is hand to anything it seemed also sorted a tricky door handle job on the back door which was not working properly. After some testing he found the leak from the washing machine connection and even rearranged the hoses so that it is easier to disconnect when necessary. I amazed at the diverse skills the employees of this firm have and their knowledge and politeness is brilliant.

A Man Who Can, Bath

They are so willing to come and to look at and deal with the oddest of jobs and recently were able to move furniture and take up a carpet for me to store in the garage. prior to building works. The alternative of removing difficult heavy furniture and glass fronted cupboards to a self storage store was hideously expensive and they are so efficient. The job was done so quickly that I was amazed. They are hard and efficient works and always so polite and kind. Their manners and attitude are amazing and are never phazed even if you are embarrassed at the odd jobs!! I have used them for many years and cannot find much fault. If you have something needing doing it is always worth asking them first.

A Man Who Can, Bath

Although this firm has got a lot busier in recent years they are worth waiting for as their employers are always very good and highly skilled able to do a great variety of jobs however small very well and efficiently. It is god value too and will turn their hand to almost any small job w which is good news for those on their own who are not able to do such jobs. Always a good response and a date given well ahead so it is easier to plan etc.