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Kathian Hair Design Blackpool, Blackpool

2/ I was the one at the top of the ladder fitting the window in the Everest Double Glazing ad. 3/ I was the voice for "Bung-ups2go" constipation tablets radio ad. 4/ It was me with dandruff in the "before" bit of the Head & Shoulders ad. 5/ My voice was used to apologies to viewers when the Liberal Party Conference had a power cut in 1989. 6/ It was my feet used in the Scholls Verruca-Blaster ad. All of these fantastic high profile opportunities and many more besides would indoubtably have passed me by had I not been a client of Kathian Hair and Beauty Emporium of Holmfield Road, Blackpool. I can not wait until the new Colonic irrigation service is introduced at Christmas and will be making regular use to ensure my modelling career does not go down the tube as well. Mickael Picewicz (International Male-Model Tel: 01253 594713 not Fridays - Dominoes night.) www.Mikethemodel

Kathian Hair Design Blackpool, Blackpool

I should like to endow my most grateful endorsement for the services wide and varied offered by that fine establishment, Kathian Hair and Beauty Emporium of Holmfield Road in the County borough of Blackpool. I hav eused the services of their main stylist and proprietress Kathian for over 25 years and can vouch for the fact that she knows one end of a pair of scissors from the other. In fact I can safely state without fear of contradiction that my career as a part time male model would scarcely have taken off without the attention to detail my hairdresser, stylist, manicurist, trainer, dentist and wine merchant have encouraged what were already fine attributes nurtured since birth. However, grateful as I am having been endowed with luxurious locks, fine physique, effervescent sparkling skin and a sexy bottom my fellow models will agree that it all doesʼnt take care of itself. It is for this reason that I sought the help and guidance of Kathian Hair and Beauty Emporium of Holmfield Road etc.etc. Since then I have never looked back. (Well only in Funny Girls) My career has taken me on many professional modelling assignments, television appearances, radio programmes, celebrity appearances, game shows and numerous advertising features too numerous to mention. Here a but just a few of my achievements since I started to use Kathian Hair and Beauty Emporium of Holmfield Road, Blackpool. 1/ Once seen as a non-talking extra talking to Mike Baldwin in the Rovers.